Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Communication and Conflict Resolution

The management of any groups of people and maintenance of relationships are two of the greatest challenges faced by all of us in our personal lives and at work. Communication and conflict resolution are crucial factors in successful relationships. Savages article explores definitions and notes that "communication is an exceedingly complex process in which people, behaviour and objects transmit information, ideas and attitudes' He discusses some significant factors such as interpretation,various means of personal and media communication,types of intentional and unintentional and two way communication. This article gives an administrator some tips and strategies to use when dealing with rumors and mass communication. It outlines 16 generalisations, in relation to school communities, that leaders need to be aware of and they provide food for thought for a TL.
Mackay advocates resolving conflict through listening and details a method based on reflective listening. He notes that there are two conditions that need to be present for any hope of resolving conflict:-that both parties want a resolution and that both of them must be prepared to compromise. The reflective method involves a great deal of discipline and time, however I think this article provides some important points that we can all draw on to assist us in times of conflict or to prevent issues escalating to difficult problems with the people in our lives.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life on the run and catching up.....

My life from late August to early September has been very busy with a school concert book fair,two assignments,new technology to learn and endless readings.So I will review the readings that have made an impact on me in a brief summary.In Beck and Yeager's article,'Making teams Work",the attributes of a high performing team are worth noting: - high involvement by leader -present most of the time and supportive. The leader sets high expectations, presented 'the assignment as a challenge...and an opportunity for each team member to stretch, learn and take risks." Team adopts a can do attitude.Members focus on the team's mission and their role in achieving it."The communication channels were wide open..people got information quickly, problems surfaced rapidly and there was lots of problem solving when the effort hit a snag".They found ways to develop team spirit and often had a lot of fun.(Beck&Yeager,1994,p.87)They discuss different leadership styles to use at various stages in team development which could be useful for a TL to consider when building a team of staff in a library/school.
Cheng explores models of leadership styles and strategies "in a new era of globalization,information technology and knowledge based economy, educational leadrs play a key role as transformational leaders.' Group members can lead different aspects of the institutions functions and influence members...through their managerial behaviours, charisma,vision and inspiration.
"Leaders should play the role of resource developer and distributor.They clarify the connections between inputs and outputs and determine what resources are critical to the institutions survival and development."Cheng outlines a five dimensional model of leadership- a framework for strategic management in education.