Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Collection Management Policy - great effort for very little return!

My results for my second assignment - Collection management policy were very disappointing! I was very upset to receive the assignment back with so many critical and negative comments wrtiiten all over it by the assessor. Even now as I reflect back on this experience. I still feel that her comments should have included some real positive feedback. I am astounded that someone in the teaching profession cannot understand how deflating it is to receive so much negative feedback! It is difficult enough to remain motivated to keep going when you are studying distance education,without some genuine encouragement and feedback about what you have done well. I made a concerted effort to read widely and I also consulted with experienced teacher- librarians, before writing and editing for weeks to ensure that this assignment matched the requirements outlined in the subject guidelines. I was angry and very upset by her critical suggestions that did not match the specific guidelines we were given! I empathized with all my colleagues who had expressed similar disappointment on the forum.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear I am doing that assignment over Christmas. Any tips?
